The Car EMR Harmonizer is a totally portable Electromagnetic Radiation neutraliser that eliminates all noxious EMR energies caused by the car's electrical system, the back seat area over the fuel tank, and the depleting effects of outside noxious energies such as Earth Magnetic Grid lines that you are exposed to while driving.
The EMR field produced by the car's electrical system totally engulfs all occupants, placing then in a dangerous Positive charge field which deprives its occupants of oxygen, depletes them of energy and may cause nausea and fatigue. Concentration levels of the driver may also be affected by these noxious energies.
The engine exhaust gauges and exhaust pipe are another source of strong Positive Ion that affects the front and back seat passengers. These are also harmonized to a Negative charge resonance. The exhaust gases are transformed to now produce a Negative charge resonance which makes for cleaner emissions and less Green House gases.
By installing a Car Harmonizer, the noxious Positive charge fields are replaced with a vibrant, healthy Negative charge atmosphere.
The Harmonizer is simply plugged into the car's auxiliary power socket on the dash or other sockets, whichever may be more convenient.
Radiation from mobile phones that don't have harmonizers attached, are also harmonized.
Benefits of installing the Car Harmonizer include:-